These are previosuly featured Sites of the Week, that were featured on my homepage. Want to submit your site, or another for consideration? Head over to my Mailbox for ways to contact me!
Dodge Garage 3dfx Collection ~ A collection of 3dfx graphics cards along with some pictures and information regarding them. It is quite a big collection with other items like merchandise, timelines, and tons of other graphics card related pages. The Homepage for Dodge Garage is real neat as wellm give both a visit! ~ A tribute site dedicated to the Disney World ride for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - an attraction that closed in 1994. Going through this site is like a time capsule into the old Disney Amusement parks. I have only been to Disneyland once in my life as a little kid, but it is interesting to see how the rides develop and get replaced throughout the years. ~ "the most Poliwag filled site ever!" An awesome Pokemon fansite with Forums, Wallpaper, and other Cool Poliwager related content.It also has different themes available such as Bellsprout Green & Dunsparce Yellow. The site has been around for over 16 years!
Rarebit ~ "A free, open-source WEBCOMIC TEMPLATE". Although I have not used this personaly, I believe many artists could benefit from this. This lets you publish your comic in a way that is easy-to-access for your readers, archive your past comics, and just have more control than some platforms will allow you to have. Tons of webcomics are availble lower on the linked page. I was also able to locate This Guide on setting up Rarebit.
Please feel free to send your webcomic over to me, and I will be glad to check it out!
Neal.Fun ~ This site has tons of cool web activities that you can do right in your browser! From Absurd Trolley Problems, to a test to see how well you can draw a circle - there are tons of things to keep you busy on this page. Other cool entries include Internet Articifacts and a little toy to see how Absurdly rich Bill Gates is. Featured below is the Stimulation Clicker
Fingertip Fantasies ~ A Dollhouse Minatures Shop located in Delaware with a very classic website layout. There are tons of different minature pieces for dollhouses from cookware, gardens, and other furnishings to purchase, as well as different resources for building your own!
Working Goats ~ A Site dedicated towards Goats (One of my favourite animals) and the work that they help us with. Has picture collections of Goats, Goat Equipment, and Goat Products like Milk, Soap, & Cheese - Along with guides on creating some of your own products! Other neat goodies like Bible References of Goats, Goat Jokes, and Tips & Tricks.
The Visual Novel Database ~ A database full of information regarding visual novels. Check out Upcomming Releaes, New Visual Novels, and User Reviews. There are new posts every couple of hours, so there is tons of content and data regarding thousands of different Visual Novels!
BANK NOTE MUSEUM ~ A Collection of different paper currencies from around the world and throughout time. Very interesting to see how money has changed over the course of history, and how different events can change something we may not pay close attention to in our everyday lives.
Fun Cube ~ Another small streaming site with different programs, many from the early 2000s. Able to stream in-browser or using a program such as Winamp or VLC. Great to put on while working if you don't want to spend time deciding what to watch. Also has a radio station!
FROGLAND! ~ A Site All About Frogs. Tons of Frog facts, art, quizes and other fun stuff! I took their 'What Frog Am I?' Quiz and got the...
SpongeBob Flash Games Archive ~ A fansite archive of SpongeBob Flash Games made to play in your browser! SpongeBob is one of my favourite shows of all time, and playing the flash games on was a huge part of my childhood. Glad to see the games getting preserved.
Note: You may need to install Ruffle to enable Flash on modern browsers.
Toonami Aftermath ~ A fansite that brings the classic TV experience of watching classic anime alongside time-apropriate commercials. Several channels to choose from with a variety of programs, including a radio station. I put this on when working on my site at night.